Numbers - 2

How to count?

Reading time ~6 minutes

In the last post, we talked about basic numerals, one to ten and their ordinals. We can now talk about complex numbers.

To give an example, eleven, is formed by infixing ten into one. So, eleven can be percieved as the 10th one. Then the mid vowel is lost to get the final form.

a    -to  -z
one+ ten  +one => eleven

this becomes,
atoz --> atz

But, to get twenty, this derivation will not work. Twenty is to be percieved as the second ten.

to   -bi  -z
ten+ two  +ten => twenty

this becomes,
tobiz --> tobz
Number Ones Tens 20s 30s 40s 50s
1 az atz atobz atofz atonz atomz
2 biz bitz bitobz bitofz bitonz bitomz
3 vez vetz vetobz vetofz vetonz vetomz
4 noz notz notobz notofz notonz notomz
5 miz mitz mitobz mitofz mitonz mitomz
6 yoz yotz yotobz yotofz yotonz yotomz
7 cez cetz cetobz cetofz cetonz cetomz
8 khiz khitz khitobz khitofz khitonz khitomz
9 sez sotz sotobz sotofz sotonz sotomz
10 10:toz 20:tobz 30:tofz 40:tonz 50:tomz 60:toyz
Number Ones 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s
1 az atoyz atoc atokz atorz atotz
2 biz bitoyz bitoc bitokz bitorz bitotz
3 vez vetoyz vetoc vetokz vetorz vetotz
4 noz notoyz notoc notokz notorz nototz
5 miz mitoyz mitoc mitokz mitorz mitotz
6 yoz yotoyz yotoc yotokz yotorz yototz
7 cez cetoyz cetoc cetokz cetorz cetotz
8 khiz khitoyz khitoc khitokz khitorz khitotz
9 sez sotoyz sotoc sotokz sotorz sototz
10 10:toz 70:toc 80:tokz 90:tor 100:totoz  

Now, to quantify nouns, these will be infixed in the following way.

Number Cardinal Word Meaning Final Form Translation
1 az iE boat i-az-E one boat
2 biz ti man t(a)-bi-[i] two men
3 vez den hand de-ve-n three hands
4 noz nul line nu-no-l four lines
5 miz van brain/mind va-mi-n five minds/half mind
6 yoz riz flower bud ri-yo-z six buds
7 cez sAT thread sA-ce-T seven threads
8 khiz bir tree bi-khi-r eight trees
9 sez EA fish E-se-A nine fishes
10 toz boyn land bo-to-yn ten lands

Behaviour to notice :

  • Although every ordinal ends with z, it does not figure in the infixing process except for az
  • Noun does not agree with the quantifier and vice-versa like english does.
  • Observe the pairs, 2,8; 3,7; 4,6 b/p is conjugate/kind of allophonic phonologically with kh or k. Similarly, c -> v and n -> y.
  • miz, mil can either be used to mean five/fifth and half/halfth.
  • The ordinal for sez is not sel because, sel means let in crang

Similarly, ordinals also infix …

Number Ordinal Word Meaning Final Form Translation
1 al iE boat i-al-E first boat
2 bil dAgu bird dA-bil-gu second bird
3 vel isel loss i-vel-sel third loss
4 nol sAr spear sA-nol-(a)-r fourth spear
5 mil Oz circle o-mil-z fifth circle/halfth circle
6 yol yil gift yi-yol-[l] sixth gift

PS : (x) indicates that x is added and [x] indicates that x is removed

Coming up ! : Numbers-Part 2 -> How to make complex numbers..


How to count? Continue reading


Published on May 19, 2015

Infixing Methods

Published on May 18, 2015