
Adjectives or Nouns ?

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I call them adjectivals because they are not strictly adjectives. They are nouns.That is they are morphologically and to an extent, syntactically nouns. They show no special morphological behavior vis-a-vis nouns and they can be used as stand-alone nouns.

To explain this, take an example. “small” in english is an adjective, but the equivalent in crang you can find is “smallness”. Similarly you will find “cheapness” and “speediness”.

So, remember that adjectivals are not a separate syntactic category.

Some adjectivals with their meaning.

Sno Word Meaning
1 hOn speed/speediness
2 tOn slowness
3 rir cheapness
4 kIm smallness
5 pIm bigness
6 nul line, straightness, propreity

Morphology of the Adjectivals

So how does an adjectival combine with the noun ?. Infixing ! Infixing in crang is anything but straightforward. But, for now assume that the infix occurs after the first vowel of the word under consideration.

Some Examples

Sno Word Adjectival Final Form Meaning
1 iE hOn i-hOn-E fast boat
2 iE tOn i-tOn-E slow boat
3 iE kim i-kim-E small boat
4 EA pim E-pim-A big fish
5 dAgu hOn dA-hOn-gu fast bird
7 sAr nul sA-nul(a)-r straight spear; proper spear
8 klEvi pim klE-pim-vi big eyes
9 ti kim t(a)-kim-i small man/boy
10 ti hOn t-hOn-i fast man

The point where the word splits is at this moment not very clear and not very important. Look out for an article on infixing rules later on this blog.

Although I have listed some of the adjectivals here, Many of the nouns also can act as adjectivals. For example, Let us observe some of the nouns which have been dealt with here

Sno Word Meaning Adjectival Meaning Final Form Meaning
1 rIs flower bud Oz circle r-Oz-Is round flower bud
2 kre mouth Oz circle k-Oz-re round mouth/ somebody who gossips
3 ti man Oz circle t-Oz-i round man/fat man
4 nul line Oz circle n-Oz-ul round line/something nonexistent
5 EA fish fU air E-f[U]-A air fish/~bird
7 ti man ti man t(a)-ti-[i manly man
8 ark net sAr spear a-sAr-rk spear net/very precise net, a skilled hand at fishing

Notes : (s) : s is added in pronounciation, [s] s is removed in pronounciation


Published on June 13, 2015


Published on May 19, 2015