Basic Vocabulary

Some words to get you started.

Reading time ~1 minute

Alright then !. Lets get started.

Some words before we start.

I am not just looking to create a new language but as it goes for any language, I have to build a culture too. So, the people who speak crang have a different culture of their own. This will be reflected in their vocabulary. Keep in mind that the community is primarily a fishing community.

P.S : There will be a post about the people of crang, but for now lets begin with some words.


Sno Word Meaning
1 iE boat
2 EA fish
3 ark net
4 dAgu bird
5 ti man
6 tin woman
7 gAz wave
8 sAr spear
9 rIs flower bud
10 Oz circle, whirlpool
11 kai a peaceful clear water fish
12 mut wind
13 fU air
14 lEvi eye
15 kre mouth


Published on June 13, 2015


Published on May 19, 2015